Household chores are getting simpler and eco-friendlier with @bysimplygood.
#didyouknow that according to the Singapore Environment Council (SEC), Only 6% of the 1.76 billion plastic items used in Singapore are recycled, and about 467 million plastic bottles are thrown away without being recycled.
Therefore, @simplygood is reimagining home cleaning products by banishing the traditional way of single-use plastic bottles and adapts recycling in a sustainable manner. Making an eco-friendly environment, as well as helping people to establish sustainable lifestyles.
I’m currently using the All-Purpose tablets (Lemon Guava Scent) It removes greasiness, spills, sticky mess and any surfaces at home especially the kitchen/living room.
Each packet come with 2 tablets.
Step 1: Fill in 500ml of water in the bottle
Step 2: Put in 1-2 tablets and wait for approximately 15-30 mins to dissolve Step 3: Attach the sprayer and start cleaning
Personally, I love organic and eco-friendly products, and since @bysimplygood is 100% natural that carries non-toxic, plant-based that effectively removes grime & bacteria, safe to use around children & pets.
Most importantly, it is cost-efficient that makes me even more pleased to use it. They have an affordable rate of $4.99 for a satchet!
The results are amazing and are similar to other brands too (refer to my pics on the before and after results). Hence, cordially invite you to join me in the journey of sustainability! It's easy, cost saving and efficient too! Let's make our country an eco-friendly land starting from our home.