Hear from our Marketing & Partnerships intern, Melissa, about her time working at SimplyGood and how she overcame her challenges when juggling her school commitments.
Q: A little bit about Melissa
I’m a Year 3 Communications student at Nanyang Technological University. For this school semester, I was looking to take up a part-time internship that could allow me to school and gain industry experience simultaneously. That’s when I came across a job posting for SimplyGood. The familiar brand name (from seeing our products at The Green Collective, a sustainability retailer) stood out to me. Considering past internship experiences at bigger companies, I’ve always wanted to try working at a start-up. Now that I’ve been here for over 4 months, I have 0 regrets!
Q: What is your current role?
My job scope as a Marketing and Partnerships intern is multi-faceted. I have opportunities to helm efforts in customer relationship management through newsletters and social media engagement while also assisting with our e-commerce efforts to drive greater sales. I work on both B2C and B2B prospects, which has broadened my perspective about the different channels available to put SimplyGood’s name and drive sustainability efforts out there.
Q: How is it like working at SimplyGood?
Working at a start-up has its pros - as part of a smaller, close-knit team, I particularly appreciated the liberty to helm my own projects and ideas, which allowed me to take greater ownership of my work even as an intern. I get to see how my contributions can directly impact the progress of the sustainability work we drive here. Senior colleagues at SimplyGood are not just welcoming and nurturing, but it is incredibly inspiring to be amongst passionate individuals who believe in the same sustainability purpose and under the warm leadership of our talented Founder & CEO, Jeremy!
My time here saw a couple of key milestones, including new product launches such as our hand soap tablets and our entry into the Australia and New Zealand markets. This was undoubtedly exciting to play a part in, and I look forward to how much more SimplyGood can grow into a thought leader for sustainable consumption globally.
Q: What is your Biggest takeaway?
The topic of sustainability is all the talk nowadays - we face a global environmental crisis. I am glad to have had an opportunity to be a part of a bigger sustainability movement through my internship at SimplyGood. With the aim to address UN SDG Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, UN SDG Goal 13: Climate Action, and UN SDG Goal 6: Clean water & Sanitation at SimplyGood, I see a real, positive impact in the way our (loyal) customers come back again and again because they believe in our product and the change it can bring to the table.
Q: What are some challenges you face when working at SimplyGood?
Juggling multiple projects and timelines whilst on a part-time work arrangement. This demanded greater time management, and it was important to learn how to better prioritise goals and workload amid school commitments. It was fulfilling nonetheless, and the team was always ever so encouraging!
Q: What are some tips you have for future interns?
Know what you want to get out of your time as an intern - skillsets, experiences, networks… and don’t be paiseh to share your goals with the team. That way, the internship experience and projects assigned can be tailored to better suit your needs and to help you grow in the desired aspects.
Q: Lastly, would you recommend working with SimplyGood?
10/10 - great people, great product. There’s still so much to try out, and the brand is still growing. You might just play a part in one of the world’s leading sustainability consumer brands!